The Latvian figure skater got the crowds clapping to his new, techno short program and topped the field ahead of Italy's ...
Энтони Джошуа и Даниэль Дюбуа проведут бой за звание чемпиона мира IBF в тяжелом весе ...
中国选手 翁泓阳 则导演了逆转好戏,在20-22先输一局的情况下,以21-18和21-15的比分淘汰Chinese Taipei选手 周天成 ,接下来将对阵5号种子 安东森 。后者以2-1击败新加坡名将 骆建佑 挺进八强。
Após a seletiva no Troféu José Finkel, o Brasil anunciou a convocação com oito atletas presentes na natação de Paris 2024, ...
La coureuse belge de 28 ans a fait des Championnats du monde de Zurich sa priorité. Si elle fait partie des favorites à sa ...
The Swede led Luigi Cini, Pedro Barros and 28 other skaters through to the quarter-finals of the world championship event in Ostia.
Pedro Barros, Pedro Carvalho, Luigi Cini, Luiz Francisco, Kalani Konig e Pedro Quintas se juntarão a Augusto Akio, pré-classificado à etapa seguinte na capital italiana, que será realizada na sexta-fe ...
Jamais deux sans trois ? Les Français connaissent bien ce proverbe et l'ont bien illustré lors des qualifications hommes de ...
Dal 26 settembre iniziano le regate finali della Louis Vuitton Cup 2024, con Luna Rossa e Britannia a contendersi il ruolo di ...
Youth Olympic Games Gangwon 2024 as a springboard to drive positive change across the host region and country. Long before ...
As Mayor of PyeongChang from 2014 to 2018, and again from 2022, Shim Jae-guk had a key role in both the Olympic Winter Games ...
If the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in 2018 put the county of PyeongChang on the world map, the Winter Youth Olympic ...