Getting older tends to go hand in hand with failing vision, but eye experts say there are things you can do to preserv ...
As a new federal regulation that requires mammography centers to tell their patients how dense their breasts are tak ...
PFAS “forever chemicals” could cause pregnant women to experience long-term weight gain, increasing their risk of obes ...
Saltwater nose drops can reduce the length of a kid’s cold by two days, a new study demonstrates.“We found that childr ...
People who live in areas with more nighttime light pollution could be at increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, partic ...
As news of yet another senseless school shooting makes headlines, a new report finds the number of children who lose t ...
People are encouraged to monitor their blood pressure at home, but many folks will find that household blood-pressure ...
A distinct brain pattern appears to make some people more likely to develop depression, a new study indicates.“Deep” f ...
Gene therapy may restore vision to children and adults robbed of their sight by a rare inherited condition called Lebe ...
It seems like a kind of superpower, but scientists say they've used a common food dye to render the skin of a mouse tr ...
The booming popularity of the weight-loss drug semaglutide has prompted increasing concerns about potential side effe ...
Just 5.9% of American middle and high school students now vape, a big drop from the 7.7% who did so a year ago, new ...