A new version of the Mandrake spyware used advanced obfuscation techniques that allowed it to bypass Google Play's security ...
Hugging Face has joined forces with NVIDIA to bring inference-as-a-service capabilities to one of the world's largest AI ...
Agency – an AI startup focused on generative behaviour for gaming – has emerged from stealth mode with a $16 million funding ...
As AI and cloud computing fuel acquisitions in the technology sector, these mergers and acquisitions are increasingly under ...
The spot Ethereum fund aims to provide investors with direct exposure to the second-largest Web3 ecosystem by market ...
OpenAI has announced GPT-4o mini, a small model designed to make AI more accessible and affordable for developers.
Architecture is the bearing structure of your project, and it can make or break it. Why? Because it forms the foundation for a system's performance, scalability, and maintainability. But there are ...
OpenAI has announced GPT-4o mini, a small model designed to make AI more accessible and affordable for developers. This new addition to the GPT family promises superior performance at a fraction of ...
Architecture is the bearing structure of your project, and it can make or break it. Why? Because it forms the foundation for a system’s performance, scalability, and maintainability. But there are ...